Manama Textiles, Bahrain, has installed in its new finishing department three Montex 6000 tenters
and a Thermex 6500 pad-thermosole unit from Monforts Textilmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG, Germany.
The installation makes Manama Textiles a fully vertical fabric producer with an anticipated
production capacity of 600,000 bedsheets per month.
The $35 million investment allows Manama Textiles to manufacture finished fabric for apparel
and household textiles for the first time.

Manama Textiles plans to use its new Monforts’ machinery to produce high-end home
furnishings and denim products.
“With our strong base in spinning and weaving, it made sense to cash in on our own
products,” said Hamid Nishat, CEO, Manama Textiles. “Making the greige into a finished product
provides an increased added value.”
The company plans to sell its medium- and high-end home furnishings and denim products to
major brand stores in Europe and the United States. It also will open exclusive outlets for these
products under The Gold Coast Collection name in Bahrain and other Middle Eastern countries. Manama
Textiles reports its denim garments in various weights and washes will be available in mid-2006.
March/April 2006