Saurer Introduces Embroidery Machine With Laser

Germany-based Saurer GmbH & Co. KG, through Saurer Arbon Ltd. — its Switzerland-based
embroidery machinery branch — now offers an embroidery machine with laser. The company reports the
laser technique enables virtually unlimited possibilities for creating cutouts in embroidery
designs, including many that previously required manual work and skill to execute.

Saurer partnered with an Italian company that specializes in laser technology to develop the
machine. It also integrated new functions in its existing software including its user uniface
software and punch software. Its EmStudio software processes pattern data and yarn data such as
thread length for each needle pattern (NP). The company notes that using the NP technique, a laser
contour is “punched” as another color, eliminating the need to further define the design.

The software also can be used to create a test field for the fabric quality in order to set
the actual laser speeds. The test field then can run independently of the embroidery machine during
the embroidery process.

A standard 30-by-30-centimeter (cm) reflector box diverts the laser beam to the cutout area.
An optional 50-by-50-cm box for larger working areas also is available, but the company notes it is
less precise and requires time to adjust.

The company reports customers running field tests of the first machines have expressed
complete satisfaction with the results.

July/August 2006