Rieter Offers Four Robots On R 40

Rieter Offers Four Robots On R 40

Switzerland-based Rieter Spun Yarn Systems now offers four highspeed robots on its R 40 rotor
spinning machine, which uses state-of-the-art precision control technology and has a modular
structure. These two factors allow the robots to perform functions in parallel.The company says the
use of four robots considerably improves overall efficiency of the machine because start-up time is
reduced by half compared with machines that have only two robots. The time savings translates into
increased output.Rieter also offers a new operating concept on the R 40 with two robots. Using the
control system’s touch screen, the machine operator can now define the working zones of the robots
as required. Zones can overlap, and the two robots can operate on one side of the R 40.

Spring 2004