ITMA Asia 2005: Suessen Celebrates Sale Of Millionth EliTe Spindle

Erich Casanova (right), managing director, Suessen, presents the trophy to Javed Iqbal,
chairman, Mayfair Spinning Mills.

Peter Stahlecker, managing director of Germany-based Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH,
gave a speech at ITMA Asia during a celebration commemorating the sale of the millionth EliTe

“We are celebrating the installation of the 1 millionth EliTe spindle,” Stahlecker said. “
Actually, it was installed in early August and is producing happily, probably not knowing how
special it is! As the luck of the draw would have it, this special spindle [went] to EJAZ Spinning
in Lahore, Pakistan.

“Ejaz Spinning has been a very major customer of Suessen. [T]hey now have about 25,000
spindles, both EliTe CompactSet and also EliTwist. They also have a few thousand spindles of
EliCoreTwist — that is the combination of EliTwist and Lycra-Core.”

Stahlecker explained Gohar Ejaz of Ejaz Spinning was unable to attend the celebration in
light of the recent tragic earthquake in Pakistan, and requested Javed Iqbal, chairman, Mayfair
Spinning Mills, accept the honor on Ejaz’s behalf.

“Mr. Iqbal graciously accepted,” Stahlecker said. “And he will accept this really also on
behalf of all our customers, without whose help and support, whose belief in Suessen during the
early days with their problems did not fail, whose advice was invaluable — without you, this
celebration could never have been accomplished.”

January/February 2006