Trützschler GmbH & Co. KG, Germany, reports that Zubair Spinning Mills Ltd., Bangladesh, has
installed 24 Trützschler TC 06 carding machines and two Trützschler blow rooms at its manufacturing
facility in order to upgrade and increase its production output. Trützschler’s Bangladesh-based
distributor, Euro Spin Ltd., supplied and installed the equipment, and also provided training for
Zubair’s senior staff and operators.
Zubair, part of the Noman Group’s Zaber & Zubair Fabrics division, operates 72,576
spindles and 1,560 rotors to spin cotton and polyester yarn for internal use in woven and other
textile products that are destined for export markets. The division, in business since 2000, is
vertically integrated including spinning, weaving, printing and dyeing; as well as a
computer-aided-design studio, singeing and desizing equipment, a continuous bleaching plant and a
stitching unit.

Bangladesh-based Zubair Spinning Mills recently installed 24 Trützschler TC 6 carding
Each blow room is equipped with a Trützschler Blendomat automatic bale opener and a Cleanomat
cleaner that offers a high level of cleaning with minimal loss of fiber. The carding machines have
been optimized for combed ring yarn production at a moderate volume, which reduces energy costs and
enhances economic efficiency, according to Gabriel Tagasa, a Noman Group advisor.
“Much of the production at Zubair Mill requires moderate production rates rather than
extremely high output, and the TC 06 is able to work with … efficiency at outputs of 100
kilograms per hour and below,” Tagasa said. “This in turn ensures we keep an exceptionally tight
grip on efficiency and that we have the flexibility we need to develop new product lines and to
supply fast-moving niche markets.”
April/May/June 2011