Suessen Sells 1,000,000th EliTe®Compact Spindle To Pakistani Company
Ejaz Spinning Mills Ltd., Pakistan, has purchased the 1,000,000th EliTe® Compact Spindle from Germany-based Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH. The spindle will be installed on a Toyota RX 240 machine at Ejaz Spinning’s facility. Suessen presented the company with an award to commemorate the installation during a brief ceremony at ITMA Asia in Singapore. Ejaz Spinning has a capacity of 100,000 ring spindles with 18,000 EliTe compact spindles and 7,000 EliTwist® compact spindles included in that total. Some of these machines also feature Suessen’s EliCore® or EliCorTwist® technologies.
November/December 2005