Shanghaitex 2015, the 17th International Exhibition on Textile Industry — to be held June 15-18 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center, Shanghai — will feature seven theme zones in nine exhibition halls housing technology and services from more than 1,000 companies. Here is a sneak peek at just a few of the exhibits to be found at the upcoming show.
Savio Macchine Tessili S.p.A.
Italy-based Savio Macchine Tessili will exhibit its established Polar automatic winder with some added features. The company reports it recently developed the flexible round magazine model with a maximum 80 positions. The flexible nature of the round magazine model enables customized feeding for specialized spun yarns including: the MR/LR version with package feeding for rewound packages of any taper; the MF/LF version for wet-spun flax yarns; special version with large-bobbin feeding; and special version with waste cone feeding.
In its booth, Savio will demonstrate a Polar 12-winding-unit machine designed to produce fine-count yarns and yarns for dyeing. To show customers various configuration options, six of the units will feature the M/L manual bobbin feeding, and six will showcase the R version manual package feeding. The M/L version is available with manual package doffing — M version — or automatic package doffing — L version. According to Savio, the M/L version offers a yarn path with reduced points of contact on the yarn; take-up packages with different taper ratios with an electronic on/off patterning system; different solutions for air splicing, water splicing and mechanical splicing to work with all cotton, wool, linen and silk fibers; various types of bobbin feeding ranging from 180 to 350 millimeters; and a six- or nine-pocket round magazine. Savio reports the R version is highly suitable for rewinding packages after dyeing, packages of different shapes and contents, packages from open-end spinning and package remnants. Hall E1, Booth C60.

Savio’s Polar M version automatic winder
Groz-Beckert KG
Germany-based Groz-Beckert KG will highlight products and services in four key areas at the show: Felting; Knitting; Weaving; and Sewing.
For felting processes, Groz-Beckert will showcase a variety of needles for filtration felts in different barb sizes and shapes, gauges, and cross sections. The company recommends a mixture of GEBECON® and EcoStar needles for highest surface quality, and the Twisted needle for high-efficiency applications.
For the knitting industry, Groz-Beckert will display a circular knitting machine made from clear acrylic so visitors to its booth can view the interaction between the various individual components inside the machine including the needles, system parts and cylinder. A unique gauge gradient on a segment of a cylinder from E10 to E50 will be shown, along with 14 knitting technologies. The company also will highlight how making minimal changes to five key factors — machine speed, efficiency, needle lifetime, breakage rate and energy consumption — can result in positive changes in circular knitting productivity. In addition, Groz-Beckert will present warp knitting and flat knitting needles such as those used on tricot machines and in technical applications.
For weaving, Groz- Beckert will showcase the KnotMaster tying machine, a modular system featuring multiple functions — including four tying methods, single and double knits, short knot-ends and a yarn break detector — all controlled by an easy-to-use touch screen. The company report the standard version AS/3 KnotMaster is a bestseller, and can manage all yarn types including cotton, wool, man-made, blended and elastic yarns.
For sewing, Groz-Beckert will focus on the SEWING5 comprehensive service concept comprising its five Ss of sewing — supply, solutions, service, superiority and sustainability. Hall W1, Booth B50.

Groz-Beckert will display a clear acrylic circular knitting machine at Shanghaitex so visitors can view the interactions between the various machine components.
Loepfe Brothers Ltd.
Switzerland-based Loepfe Brothers Ltd. will exhibit a full-range of its weaving mill solutions including weft stop motions, short weft detectors, weft thread brakes, projectile brakes, knot detectors, weft feelers, fusible fabric cutters and yarn stop motions.
The company will highlight several products including a new generation YarnMaster ZENIT+ yarn clearer. One sensing head, operated by a LZE-V central unit, can cover a yarn count range of Nec 2.4 to Nec 320 and offers precise yarn clearing and a multi-layered evaluation of the results, according to the company.
Loepfe also will showcase the YarnMaster 1N1 single-sensor and 3N1 three-sensor yarn clearers. The 1N1 features a conventional single-sensor clearer for diameter measurement. The 3N1 combines this conventional clearer with an F-sensor for foreign matter detection, and a P-sensor for man-made foreign matter irrespective of yarn color. Loepfe reports both the 1N1 and 3N1 can communicate with any type of open-end machine control via its graphical touch-screen interface featuring access to all functions and reporting. Users initiate yarn clearing using the touch screen controls, setting length and deviation limits. According to the company, the clearers are effective on spinning speeds of up to 400 meters per minute and cover yarn counts from Nec 3 to Nec 60.
Loepfe’s WeftMaster Falcon-i is an optical yarn defects sensor designed for high-tech fabric manufacturers who wish to eliminate the smallest knots, fluff or filamentation from the weft yarn. Highlights of the Falcon-i sensor include: suitable for high-performance yarns such as glass, aramid and carbon; can be used on monofilament or multifilament yarns; yarn color is unimportant; works on a wide range of yarns from 20 to 3,000 decitex; can operate on yarn speeds of up to 30 meters per second; and is encased in a chemical-resistant and shielded housing. Hall E1, Booth C30.

Loepfe Brothers’ WeftMaster Falcon-i optical yarn defect sensor
Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH
At Shanghaitex 2015, Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH will highlight three new machines — the TM 4 TS EL terry machine, the HKS 4-M tricot machine and the MJ 59/1 S Multibar Jacquardtronic® Lace machine.
The TM 4 TS EL terry warp-knitting machine was designed to process cotton yarns. According to the company, the machine’s modern EL drive system has increased production speed for hand towels with borders by approximately 30 percent compared to the older KS 4 FBZ model. Output also has been increased by 36 percent by increasing the working width from 136 inches to 186 inches. Karl Mayer reports the TM 4 TS EL features an electronic pattern drive, a six-track pattern drive with pattern discs and counter for working the lapping and offers quick pattern changes. At the show, visitors can view a TM 4 TS EL in a standard E24 gauge with an integrated brushing unit knitting terry goods.
The HKS 4-M four-bar tricot machine has been optimized for speed, and can now reach speeds 25-percent higher than its predecessors, according to the company. The machine can be fitted with N or EL pattern drive, as well as a drive for feeding elastane. Currently available in gauges of E18 to E32 and a working width of 210 inches, the machine soon also will be available in 130-inch and 180-inch widths. Karl Mayer reports the machine is suitable for manufacturing apparel fabrics as well as semi-technical fabrics such as those used in car seats.
The MJ 59/1 S Jacquardtronic lace machine offers a new configuration with a stitch-forming jacquard bar in the front position of the knitting elements rather than the typical pillar-stitch-forming ground guide bar. This split jacquard bar produces the fabric ground in a symmetrical, regular net pattern worked on the basis of a powernet lapping.
The machine also features 20 more guide bars then the JL 40 F jacquardtronic machine, and therefore brings additional patterning capabilities. At Shanghaitex, the company will demonstrate a MJ 59/1 S machine in a gauge of E 28 and working-width of 134 inches.
Other Karl Mayer products on display at the show includes the IsoSize sizing machine and creel, as well as a wide range of fabric samples made using Karl Mayer machinery.
During the show, Karl Mayer also will host an open-house event at its subsidiary Karl Mayer (China) where interested visitors can view a variety of technologies with an emphasis on 3-D warp-knitted textiles and lace fabrics. The company will demonstrate the RDJ 5/1 and RD 7/2-12 EN machines, which offer an excellent price to performance ratio, according to the company. Hall W1, Booth C01.

Karl Mayer Textilmaschinenfabrik’s new HKS 4-M four-bar tricot machine
April/May/June 2015