Germany-based Spindelfabrik Suessen GmbH recently celebrated the delivery of the 2 millionth EliTe®
Compact Spindle to Turkey-based Matesa Tekstil San. Ve Tic. A.S. To mark the installation, a small
ceremony was held during which Matesa’s owner, Galip Çalik, received a commemorative plaque from
Kaan Atsu, Suessen area sales director. Matesa owns 70,000 conventional ring spindles in three
plants, which produce 1,200 tons of yarn per month. The company also owns four open-end plants with
more than 12,000 rotors, which produce 1,400 tons of yarn per month. The addition of EliTe compact
spindles allows the company now also to process top-quality compact yarns for its own weaving and
knitting facilities.
Kaan Atsu, area sales director, Suessen, presents Galip Çalik, owner, Matesa, with a plaque
to commemorate the installation of the 2 millionth EliTe® spindle.
The company was founded in 1989 and currently employs more than 3,000 workers. Suessen announced
the sale of its 1 millionth EliTe spindle to Ejaz Group, Pakistan, in October 2005 during ITMA
Asia. In July 2006, the company announced it had reached the 1.5 millionth milestone with a sale to
Super Spinning Mills Ltd., India. The company notes that the technology has grown quickly and is
accepted worldwide for the production of compact yarns.
May /June 2007