Kleen-View™ AutomaticRecycles Ink Residue
U.S.-based A.W.T.World Trade Inc. reports its Kleen-View™ Automatic stainless steel
closedloop recycling system cleans screens safely and recycles ink residue for disposal.The system
is available in five standard floor models, as well as larger and custom-sized models. It is
equipped with a 20- or 40- chemistry reservoir and a fully air-powered, four-chambered, stainless
steel chemistry tank that filters chemicals in four steps and recirculates biodegradable
substances. Stainless steel filters may be removed for easy cleaning and reused.Other features
include: a double-sided chemistry sprayer with variable-speed controls; an exhaust outlet that can
be connected to the duct system to extract fumes; wide Clear-View™ front glass doors that allow
safe monitoring of the screen-washing process; and a translucent fiberglass back panel in the
washout sink, creating a back light environment to expose ink or chemistry clogs or residues in the
July/August 2005